
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Exectuve Branch Closed Notes

These notes are utilized for students who are struggling to understand key concepts being taught in traditional classrooms. The power point words highlighted in RED are directly correlated to the missing words in the closed notes packet. The students are given the packet, fill in the missing words and summarize their understanding of the key concepts in the packet at various points throughout the presentation. This method was used during my student teaching in conjunction with Thomas Palacios, my co-teacher. This is a great way for students to understand key concepts as well as keeping themselves on task during lectures.

Instructor: Mr. Atwood, M.Ed. Student Teacher
Valley High School, E.U.H.S.D.
 Closed Note: The Executive Branch.
Instructions: Use the notes from both the class presentations and discussions to the complete the sections below.
1)      Constitutional Requirements & the President?

2)      Is a primary election a constitutional requirement?

The Constitution outlines _____ things the president is required to be in order to become president:



 A _________ election is a way of ____________ a candidate for the ____________ election

It is _______ addressed in the Constitution, but a ___________ done by political __________.

Summary of notes:

1)      What is the difference between a closed and open primary?

2)What is a National Convention & How does a presidential nominee win one?

Summary of Notes:

What is a general election?

Why is the president also the Commander in Chief

What is the War Powers Act and how did it change the Presidents role as Commander In Chief?
·         A __________ primary is an _________ to select the ________ for your party (democrat, Republican, Green, Independent…Etc).
·         You must _________ your party ___________
·         You can only vote for someone ____ your ________.
·         __________ allows ________ to state to ________ a ballot.

·         An _____ primary ________ can vote for any _____ to select  ___________ to run for office.

·         The problem is  __________ sabotage by opposing parties.

·         The benefit is that _________ is included and _______ choice is kept secret.  

·         A _________ Convention is where the __________ nominate “________ __________” to run for office.

·         Political _____________ are made for the party

·         ____________ are examined by Convention ____________

·         _________ vote wins.

·         The “________” is  __________

·         A ________ ___________ from a ___________ location than the presidential nominee is ____________.

·         The __________ is chosen for the __________ that the election is being _________ for: (presidency, governorshiop, etc)

·         The _______________ in _________ is the __________.

·         The __________ is the ___________ in charge of the __________.

·         The President can call out _________ forces with the _________ of ___________.

·         The President can __________  military decisions, but _______ do.

·         Example: President ________ fired General ____________ for his role in ______________ the Korean War. 

·         The _______ powers Act (______) limited the power of the Commander In Chief by: __________ that troops can be sent w/out _____________ approval, but:

·         Must notify __________ within ______ hours.

·         Troops can ______ stay _______ days

·         A ____________ resolution can be ________ by Congress to require return of _________ immediately.

Summary of Notes

What is the difference between an executive agreement and a treaty?

What types of jobs does the president give to people?

What is the presidents job as our Chief of State?

·         The president ___________ treaties.He/she is also the __________ of diplomacy. He/she __________ with foreign leaders on ________ of the U.S. Treaties must be ___________ by 2/3 of the ________. 

·         An _____________ agreement is like a _______, but it can be made ___________ approval of the _________. It lasts only as ______ as the President ________ it to last.

·         Appointments (and appointees) must be approved by the _______. These federal jobs include:

The __________ as a _____________ leader of our nation as in his ______ as Chief of State must:

Summary of Notes:

What does executive privilege allow the president to hide from the public?

How can the president use his office to “Faithfully execute” the law?

Why is the president required to give a state of the Union Speech?

What is the difference between a presidential pardon and a presidential reprieve?
·         Executive _________ is a power _____ stated in the _______________. But is a “_______” of the president to ______________ information from the _______, Public, and___________. Because it may ______________ the office of the ____________. It is usually used to ___________ national ____________.

·         Article II section 3 of the Constitution States that the president must: “Take ______  that laws __ Faithfully executed.” The president _______ priorities on which _____ to enforce. An ____________ order is a rule _____- by the president to ______ enforce a treaty, a law, a _________  ruling, or the Constitution.

·         It is stated by the ______________ to give information to congress on the “State of the ________.” And to “___________ _____________. After the president gives Congress ___________ messages & reports during the State of the Union, then the _____________ make laws reflective of that ______________.

·         A presidential ________ is used to ________ a person from a crime. The ______________ on  presidential pardons is that they ______ be used in ___________ and they can’t _________ violators of state crimes.

·         A presidential __________ is a ________ in sentencing. It is ___________ used when __________ is not a threat to society and it will __________ society to delay a ___________

Summary of Notes:

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