
Saturday, December 24, 2022

Thursday, December 17, 2020

San Diego Black History Tour and the Pacific Parachute Comapny

Please view the complete tour here.

Pacific Parachute Company

Both have been done in partial fulfilment of a Masters Degree in History from California State University San Marcos. 

Monday, June 29, 2020

Masters in Education published work "Infusion of Educational Technology into a Teacher Preparation Program"

Infusion of Educational Technology into a Teacher Preparation Program Link

21st century teachers need to use the technology and be thoroughly trained in the use and infusion of technology into their curriculum in order to increase the academic success of their students. The responsibility of teaching future teachers how to infuse technology into their curriculum rests with their pre-service education through their university. The professors that teach these students are responsible for infusing, modeling, and assessing pre-service teachers use and infusion of technology into their lessons. In this study, the examination of the results of both a 2012 and a 2014 National Speak Up Survey were analyzed to determine patterns of infusion and use of technology by faculty and pre-service teachers in one teacher preparation program as compared to the national data. A faculty focus group helped to answer the specific questions about the results of the Speak Up Surveys in order to better understand the faculty’s success and setbacks with modeling and infusing educational technology into their pre-service programs.

Italian Resistance Memorials Thesis Project

Italian Memorials Link

This project is apart of a Masters thesis project at CSU San Marcos. It contains collected data on Allied and Italian monuments locations, the dates of the monuments creation, its origin, whether the monument is allied or Italian, and which organization is taking care of the monument. This data was collected so that it shows the varied legacy and historical memories the Italian people have concerning the liberation and resistance movements throughout Italy, and to understand the cultural and historical significance these monuments play in contemporary Italian society. This project was also compiled to understand the monuments importance to the local Italian population and tourists who visit them.

DPKO Ed project

DPKO Education project Link

the commitment of this website is to provide resources for teachers to teach students how to resolve conflicts within their school communities so that if they see crimes against humanity as a "soldier on the ground" working for an NGO, the UN, The ICRC, or as a concerned citizen and even as students in their school, they have the skills to draw upon to end these conflicts before they start. the second major idea of this website is to use genocidal incidents in not only history but across all curriculum areas to address bullying in schools and genocide around the world. Resources will be provided to address not only past events of genocide and its comparison to bullying but it will also focus currently around the world to show students that the base for a genocide on a grand scale, usually start with the same tactics a bully will use on a school yard. The idea is to get students to stop these small incidents before they start on their school yard so that they can grow up to ensure that bullying and genocide do not happen on a grand scale

Historical Omeka Project

Omeka project Link entitled "Educational Technology and History Education in the High School classroom."

This project asks students to put together a news reel on the major U.S. events of the Second World War (Pearl Harbor, The African Campaign, D-Day, the Battle of the Bulge, The holocaust, and the Atomic Bombing of Japan). a lesson plan for the propaganda posters of World War One where students are asked to examine propaganda posters used in World War I and then create their own World War I style poster for the League of Nations.This is a video produced by The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). This video explores the UN's new Mandate to Protect and explores how it works. The M2P program is seen as the UN's solution to 21st century Peacekeeping.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Common Core State Standard Model Lesson: World History Capitalism and Socialism

The LINK here is a model curriculum of the new Common Core State Standards in action for Social Studies/History in grades 9-12