
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Invest in Durfur Webquest Lesson Plan

Here is a web quest that I created for my students in my EDST 637 class. It deals with the ethical decisions of a group of U.S. oil company department heads who have been asked by their boss (me) to investigate if investing in Durfur's oil fields is a good idea or not. Students are to watch the provided information, gather a few pieces of their own data and research, and finally present their opinion to the class. After the activity is done they also write a reflection on their experience and how they dealt with the ethical and moral decisions they faced. I really enjoyed using  Zunel for my students to use as a resource while completing this assignment. The website is specifically geared towards teachers and use in the classroom.

Check it out: here

Here is a quick video that will help your students (and maybe even you) explore the Zunal web quest page. Enjoy!

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